DecayMag's Stacy Cox, did a sweet little article about the Lunch Ladies and you think they would've been satisfied, but no, those attention whores always want more, more, MORE. So when the Lunch Ladies heard that DecayMag also does a kickass podcast, the girls got busy.
Head intern, Melinda Sweeney McTodd, recalls:
"The Lunch Ladies called us night and day, leaving messages, sending lame ass memes to our social media and filling our inboxes with spam. The shit really hit the fan when they got everyone's personal cell phone numbers and texted naked photos. Facing mutiny from his staff, the owner, Ken Artuz, caved and gave them a spot to just to shut them the F up."
Hear the full podcast HERE
Ken Artuz is Co-Owner of Meca Ex Studios LLC. Artuz is a New York City Based Photographer with proficiency in Photoshop. His digital artwork was featured in exhibitions SOHO, NYC, twice. For Horror Artuz Favors French Extremism and Indie productions. He is a novelist, and screenwriter listens to EBM, Industrial & Witch house and is an avid MMA sports fan.
Twitter: @decaymag Instagram: @decaymag
Pinterest: @decaymag