Underground sources have confirmed the Lunch Ladies skipped school to hang out in Bali, eat steamed fish in banana leaves, and drink piña coladas after forcing programmers of the Minikino Fest to screen them.
Apparently, the Ladies first scammed their way out of two weeks of school by claiming that their “dear sweet Uncle Z” had passed away and they had to attend a funeral in Saginaw, Michigan.* Then, they harassed programmers at Minikino to screen them “OR REGRET IT.”
Said Seretta, tanning on Pandawa Beach while slathering herself in some stinky Crisco she brought along from the USA because she doesn’t like to waste good oil even if it’s old: “Can you blame us? We’re overworked and underpaid! We deserve a break from that sh*thole called Melvin High. Right, Lou?”
LouAnne, combing the beach with a shoddy metal detector that BEEPS constantly and annoys everyone around her, nodded: “School is for the birds! It’s about time we got some R&R and if you’re smart like us, you’ll play hooky and head down to Bali for the Minkino Film Fest. This is the life!”
Both: "Thanks Minikino!"
The Lunch Ladies screen December 7, 10, 11, 16, and 18th for their world premiere in Indonesia! Get the full details HERE and check out the:
*Deeper research confirmed that Uncle Z was not only alive but has been alive and continues to be alive for the last forty years on Death Row cooking up rat kebobs for fellow inmates.
Minikino Monthly Screening & Discussion is a year-round short film festival based in Bali, Indonesia. This is their 19th year.
Follow Minikino Monthly Screening & Discussion
Facebook: @minikinoevents
INDONESIAN VERSION Special thanks to Azalia Syahputri of Minikino Fest for the translation!
Beberapa orang dalam mengabarkan bahwa Ibu-Ibu Kantin bolos kerja dan saat ini terlihat di Bali, makan pepes sambil minum arak setelah maksa-maksa para programmer MMSD Desember 2021 (iya, aku si programmer yang menerjemahkan berita burung ini) untuk memutar film mereka.
Ternyata oh ternyata, si Ibu-ibu ini ngaku paman mereka, (nama disensor) meninggal dan harus ziarah ke Saginaw, Michigan, eh kok tapi malah mengancam para programmer Minikino untuk “PUTAR ATAU…
“Masih mau nyalahkan kita???? Kami tuh ya overworked,,,gajinya? Dih, buat beli tiket pesawat ketemu Johnny Depp aja kagak bisa. Kita pantas buat pergi jauh-jauh dari tempat gajelas kayak Melvin High itu. Ya gak, Lou???” Kata Seretta sambil tanning di Pantai Pandawa, sambil mengolesi badannya dengan minyak nyong-nyong hampir kadaluarsa.
“Sekolah itu untuk orang-orang bodoh! Udah saatnya kami dapat istirahat dan relax….sebentar….DAN kalau kalian-kalian pinter kayak kami, kalian bakal jauh-jauh dari sekolah itu dan pergi ke Bali untuk Minikino. Ini baru hidup!!!!!” Kata LouAnne, membawa metal detector yang setiap 5 detik sekali selalu berbunyi BEEEPPP BEEEP (dan pastinya sangat sangat menganggu)
“Matur suksma, Minikino!!!!!!!” (kayaknya) kata mereka.
Lunch Ladies akan diputar untuk pertama kalinya dari 7-18 Desember 2021 di berbagai tempat di Indonesia! Datang dan lihat sendiri aksi Ibu-Ibu penggemar Johnny Depp ini.
P.S Setelah 8 jam overworked dan unpaid, upaya para buzzer, anak magang, dan tukang bakso dengan HT membuktikan Paman (nama disensor) masih hidup, tidak hanya masih hidup, ia akan terus hidup sampai Ibu-Ibu Kantin berhasil bertemu dengan Johnny Depp, which is literally jujurly impossible(emot mata)
Is it really impossible? Watch out for the Lunch Ladies coming to your town!!!!!