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Amelia Allwarden Wins Best Editing At Rhode Island Int'l Film Fest - Smug Lunch Ladies

Writer's picture: Clarissa JacobsonClarissa Jacobson

Amelia Allwarden Flickers Rhode Island

The dark web has confirmed that the Lunch Ladies are smug after Amelia Allwarden took home Best Editing at Flickers' Rhode Island International Film Festival.

The Lunch Ladies (as usual) are taking credit for wins that aren't theirs. After learning Amelia won, they smugly blathered nonstop "She couldn't have done it without us."

Said Seretta, out of nail polish and painting her dragon claws with red latex house paint she found in their worm-infested shed: "Good old Amelia won best editing once before at Mumbai International Shorts. This second win just solidifies she couldn't have done it without us. Damnit to h*ll, I've smudged them. LouAnne, pass me the turpentine."

LouAnne, surrounded by mountains of Johnny Depp clippings she's attempting to organize by year, snapped: "Get it yourself, I have more important things to do. Thanks Rhode Island for recognizing us - remember - send the trophy DIRECTLY to Melvin High, Attn: LUNCH LADIES - Amelia couldn't have done it without us!"

Amelia Allwarden

Amelia is currently editor on the new Hulu show Pen15. She recently finished assistant editing on Season 2 of Westworld and completed three seasons as assistant editor on Good Behavior. In addition to her two wins she was also nominated for best editing at Oregon Scream Week.

Photography by Jeffrey Fiterman

Lunch Ladies Video - Rhode Island or Bust!

Directed/Edited/Filmed by Jamie Sutor, Music by Bev Nero

Flickers' Rhode Island International Film Festival is now in its 22nd year and is ranked as one of the top 10 U.S. festivals. It is New England’s only Academy Award-qualifying festival.

Rhode Island Film Festival

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