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Clarissa Jacobson
Dec 8, 20172 min read
Lunch Ladies Audition As Back Up Singers For Terror Records - Unfortunately "Tone Deaf AF"
The Lunch Ladies are nursing wounds from their most recent shut down in the entertainment industry. Hoping to capitalize on their new...

Clarissa Jacobson
Dec 6, 20172 min read
Lunch Ladies Contemplate Selection of Famous Monsters Silver Scream Fest - "We Are Not Monsters"
The Lunch Ladies got the news this week that the Silver SCREAM Festival wants to see them front and center in February 2018 for the...

Clarissa Jacobson
Dec 4, 20172 min read
Headbanger & Horror Aficionado Loves Lunch Ladies So Much He Invites Them To Rock Out At Slayer
Saul Ramos, self-proclaimed movie critic, all around badass and metalhead watches every flipping horror movie that comes down the pike;...

Clarissa Jacobson
Dec 1, 20172 min read
EXCLUSIVE! Lunch Ladies Guilt Touching Xmas Film - She Was So Pretty - Into Screening With Them
The Lunch Ladies are riding high on guilting heartwarming Christmas Horror - She Was So Pretty: Be Good For Goodness Sake and warm,...

Clarissa Jacobson
Nov 29, 20171 min read
The Lunch Ladies Henna Their Entire Bodies In Preparation For The Mumbai Shorts International Fest
The Lunch Ladies are bonkers for Bollywood and immediately started preparations for head to toe henna when they received the news that...

Clarissa Jacobson
Nov 28, 20171 min read
Lunch Ladies Hopeful They Will Not Make A*ses Of Themselves At The Pilas En Corto Festival In Spain
The Lunch Ladies stayed up all night partying and playing castanets when they got the news that they were an official selection of the...

Clarissa Jacobson
Nov 27, 20172 min read
Nightmarish Conjuring's Kick A*s Review Keeps Lunch Ladies From Murdering Old Lady At Walmart
Black Friday weekend turned out wonderful for the Lunch Ladies but could have been a disaster had it not been for Nightmarish Conjuring's...

Clarissa Jacobson
Nov 22, 20171 min read
Happy Thanksgiving From The Lunch Ladies To You - "Enjoy Our Favorite Turkey Stuffing Recipe"
The Lunch Ladies. have a lot to be thankful for this year - film fests, great reviews, best horror comedy wins... we are hashtag grateful....

Clarissa Jacobson
Nov 21, 20171 min read
DecayMag Podcast Features the Lunch Ladies Just To "Shut Them The F Up"
DecayMag's Stacy Cox, did a sweet little article about the Lunch Ladies and you think they would've been satisfied, but no, those...

Clarissa Jacobson
Nov 20, 20172 min read
Teen Movie Critic "Nedflix N Chill" Relieved Lunch Ladies Doesn't Suck
The Lunch Ladies are flying high on getting a great review from a teenager. Everyone knows teenagers hate everything. Of course critic...
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